
Léa Cohen Tanugi
Conseillère agréée en Fleurs de Bach


What exactly is ‘’Les Fleurs de Bach’’?

The Bach Flowers system is originated in England, in the 20’s, by Dr. Edward Bach. Dr. Bach is a bacteriologist and epidemiologist who thinks treating a patient’s physical symptoms is just as important as the emotional state that accompanies them (the two go together). As an altruist, he wants to accompany his patients during their overall healing process by developing a complete, natural system that everyone could use, whether alone or together with existant medical systems or treatments. Thus, between 1920 and 1930, he develops the floral elixirs based on what nature offers, that is, 38 different flowers corresponding to 38 natural basic emotions that we feel. When these elixirs are in synergy and match our emotional states, they help to maintain or harmonize our inner balance. All elixirs come in liquid form in order to better mix and obtain the desired alchemy.

"As long as our souls and personalities are in harmony, all is joy and peace, happiness and health."

Dr Edward BACH


Why consult?


As a human being, emotions whether positive or negative are part of daily living and directly influence our emotional and physical states. For example, a cold, a sprain, a migraine, a sore back may often lead to a negative emotional state. As well, bad news, a disappointment, a challenge and other situations almost always When one of these areas or both are affected, we suffer an emotional unbalance, that is, our body, mind and spirit no longer vibrate in unison and can provoke inner conflict. Consulting a Bach Flowers registered advisor allows you to regain your harmony, peace and inner balance by learning to recognize and identify your emotions so as to eventually, and according to Dr. Bach’s wish, to become autonomous and manage with utmost facility your emotional state and thus maintain your harmony and inner calm.

For any consultation or information, contact me. You need to plan an appointment, teleconsultation possible.




Hello, I am a mother who has heard of the Bach elixirs but have never tried them. When my daughter suffered from anxiety in September, did not want to see a doctor for medication. Thanks to the knowledge and know-how of Lea, my daughter agreed to try the Bach elixirs and soon began to feel much better. She regained her calm by herself at school after taking her water containing drops of elixir. My daughter has almost no more anxiety and is doing well. There are no words to express my gratitude toward Lea except a huge Thank You!


I chose to meet with Lea for a professional Bach Flower consultation after I had tried various flowers on my own without success.
Lea is a very compassionate person and I found her to be very easy to talk with. She took my case in an unexpected direction asking questions I wasn’t expecting and I was surprised at the flower prescription she gave to me.
I took the flowers as prescribed and was wonderfully surprised and delighted that I found relief from my emotional turmoil which in turn removed a layer of major discomfort for me. I really did need professional eyes on my case and Lea was the key. I recommend her without hesitation and she will be my go-to practitioner whenever I need care.

Nancy C.

Lea is a caring person who masters the knowledge required to administer les fleur de Bach. She is very professional and attentive to everything we say so as to be able to prescribe the right flowers for problematic emotions and current poor well-being or suffering. I recommend her without hesitation and thank her sincerely for her help during the hard times I went through.



I am a 10-year-old girl and this year I had trouble concentrating at school and I did not want to go, but with the flower drops I feel a lot better. Thank you, Lea, for helping me with my anxiety. I was able to start liking school again.


Please note that these are food supplements that cannot substitute medical treatments.